
Back Alley Filter: Urban Environmental Interventions in Hong Kong

香港 / hong kong

紀翔 / JI, Xiang

隨著城市對公共空間的需求不斷增加,由政府和房地產開發商主導的後巷重建計劃旨在打造乾淨整潔的巷弄。 然而城市的後巷通常擠滿了建築設備,這些空間的功能性並未在提案中得到解決。 通過觀察和學習後巷環境,提取出對環境有害的影響,將後巷視為一個篩檢程式而非環境危害的根源,採用主動和被動的環境策略扭轉後巷負面印象,為公眾提供一個衛生且宜人的環境。


With increasing demands for public space, the redevelopment schemes in Hong Kong led by the government and real estate developers aim to create an image of clean alleys to relieve the urgency. Although the city’s back alleys are usually cramped with building service equipment that have negative environment impacts on the environment, the functionality of these space is not addressed in the schemes. By looking into environmental principles, the proposal treats back alleys as a filter rather than the source of environmental harm, reversing the negative connotations through passive and active strategies and eventually providing a hygienic and pleasant environment for the public.

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