
Landscape of Belief

台灣 / taiwan

趙立衡 / JAU, Li-Heng

民間信仰最初作為一種對自然現象的解釋,其中,神話傳遞了重要的訊息或對 危險的警示。當今日我們改以科學解釋自然,神話最初務實的意義消逝了。連 帶地,對於自然神性的敬畏與尊重也被科學性的量化邏輯取代。同樣作為解釋 自然的方式,神話與科學在當代應是一種並立存在的信仰。我的設計試圖建構 一座立足於這個當代信仰下的廟。入世山水,討論的是如何透過信仰連結起當 代的住居生活與自然環境的潛在危險。 

Human beings used to interpret natural phenomena through the folk belief. Myths  and taboos served as warning signs of danger and may convey significant values.  While choosing to believe only in science today, people’s awe and respect for nature  have been replaced by the quantitative logic of science. Mythology and science  should be juxtaposed in modern days since both of them are ways to explain nature.  I tried to construct a temple in this kind of juxtaposition and clarify the contradiction  between human behavior and the natural environment through folk belief.

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