"Knit the ""Repairs""-Rebuilding the Children center that collecting the scenery of the first year after the Chikuma River flood"
日本 / japan
宮西夏里武 / MIYANISHI Karibu
I suggest a Reconstruction plan proposal of the children center at the Naganuma, Nagano districts that suffered serious damaged by the Chikuma River flood on October 13, 2019. The city is full of small “repairs by residents”, such as the roof of blue tarp, the walls of galvanized iron, and the foundation of stone walls. I recorded those “repairs” by scenery sketching and decided to use it as a menu of building materials. By collecting various “repairs” in the “Fire Lookout Tower” a symbol of disaster prevention that survives floods and remains in the area, we’ll create “Children center tower”.
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我對在2019年10月13日的築摩河堤壩決堤中受到嚴重破壞的長野長沼區失去的兒童中心的重建計畫進行提案。開始這項畢業設計的契機是對於住在受災區卻什麼都做不了的自己感到憤怒,因而想著要為受災區做點什麼。我作為志工,跳入眼中的街道對面雨水跡殘留的公園或家屋的樣子讓我啞口無言。地區內唯一的兒童館也淹水了,兒童公園變成了垃圾場。但是仔細地凝視,我注意到在毀壞的街道中「火災寮望塔」殘存的身姿,這令人印象深刻的景色給我留下了強烈的記憶。這座 “火災瞭望塔 “不僅是一個防災中心,也是社區倉庫和垃圾回收站等複合場域,作為當地社區的一個樞紐,受到居民的喜愛。災後一周年的今天,街道上充滿著居民的『修補』如鋪著藍色防水布的屋頂、鐵皮的牆、石牆的地基等。我將這些『修補』用速寫記錄下來,將它們作為決定建材的清單。將種種的『修補』、收集到遭受水災的地區殘留街道中象徵防災的火災寮望塔裡,這樣是否能再創造出兒童遊樂場呢?像是呼應水災的復興,街道中兒童館的碎片也漸漸出現了。這是我不只作為志工,也是作為建築師,在未來與居民一步步設計兒童館的紀錄。
I suggest a Reconstruction plan proposal of the children center at the Naganuma, Nagano districts that suffered serious damaged by the Chikuma River flood on October 13, 2019. At the time of the flood, I got angry with myself who lived in the disaster area and did nothing, and thought about the ideal reconstruction method by designing the diploma design. When I headed to the city as a volunteer, I couldn’t speak the words of the parks and houses where the inundation marks remained. Naganuma children center was flooded by a flood, and the park of children became a disaster waste storage site. The city, which is one year after the flood, is full of small “repairs by residents”, such as the roof of blue tarp, the walls of galvanized iron, and the foundation of stone walls. I recorded those “repairs” by scenery sketching and decided to use it as a menu of building materials. By collecting various “repairs” in the “Fire Lookout Tower”. Since ancient times in Japan, as a symbol of disaster prevention Fire lookout towers that ring bells to signal danger are set up throughout the city. Therefore, we will create a “Children Center Tower” by collecting “repairs” in the fire lookout tower. Until the main building of the children’s center is built, the fire lookout tower will be used as a playground for children. Taking advantage of my experience as a volunteer, I thought about and recorded how I and the residents would design a children’s center. Through this proposal, I would like to convey the excitement that architecture is created by collecting small “repairs”. Knit the “Repairs” is the ideal way of reconstruction born from a small “repair”