Temperamental Architectures & The Authorship of Berlayer Creek Nature Park

Temperamental Architectures & The Authorship of Berlayer Creek Nature Park

新加坡 / singapore

王靖仪 /

IEAGD 2023
Wong Jinn Yi, Joanne
Singapore | S02

Project Title: Temperamental Architectures & The Authorship of Berlayer Creek Nature Park

100 Word Introductory Statement (ENG):
Chaos is often seen as antithetical to the ordering paradigms of architecture, which strive to control the sorts of interactions that occur within its boundaries. Seeking to redefine the premise of Chaos in the architectural discipline, this thesis establishes the concept of Temperamental Architectures as abstracted means that not only seek to engage, but also unravel the potentials of Chaotic notions as a co-author to the development and makings of an architecture.
With the proposed re-development of Berlayer Creek as an upcoming nature park, the thesis provides two abstracted visions to the organisation of the nature park that is conceptualised through the adoption & re-interpretation of the site’s dynamical characteristics.

100 Word Introductory Statement (中文):
(* Please double check the write up to make sure that it makes sense in mandarin, thank you!)

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