新加坡 / singapore

王志凱 / WanZhiKai

The proposal leverages the Penang state’s willingness to offer the construction of new fishing jetties for all 6 affected villages to compensate for the fishermen’s losses from the PSR reclamation megaproject. The architect’s role is to convince the state with a legitimate jetty proposal for the fishermen’s community that will eventually evolve away from fishery as the main source of income into ship repainting & cleaning port in return for full support on the state’s megaproject. Little does the state know, the jetty typology is designed to retrofit into infrastructure that supports the act of piracy in the Straits of Malacca, should economic situations become dire.

该提案利用了马来西亚槟州政府愿意为所有 6 个受大型填土工程影响的渔村建造新渔码头的意愿。建筑师会提议将该码头主要经济来源会从渔业转变为船舶重新喷漆和清洁港口,以换取渔民对政府填土工程的全力支持。码头的新用途视乎以海盗行为相识,好让“渔民”在困难时期有另一个经济来源,取回渔民在社会的地位。

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