9 Object at Night – Between Object & Event
台灣 / taiwan
林瑞琪 / LIN, Jui-Chi
基地的選定來自於事件的發生:2011/09/14逢甲旗艦店大火。在高密度的商業空間中,夜市街道的空間組態有著隱藏的秩序與混亂的節奏,藉由夜市的物件 ,如攤販、店面與夜市的感官,如嗅覺、味覺…等等空間分析,實體物件經過兩次的實虛反轉設計出9個奇異物件,並給予它們發生事件的機會性。
The selection of the base was from the event: the fire of Fengchia flagship store on September 14th 2011. In the high density commercial space, the blocks of the night market had the temple of hidden order and chaos. Analyzing the object space and event space through the objects of the night market (street peddlers/shops) and the senses of the night market (flair, taste, and etc). Put the unit module into the base grid. 9 bizarre objects were designed through 2 conversions of real and virtual of the physical objects, and given the possibilities of event occurrence.
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