滲透旗後巷 – 活化港口聚落的新公共生活

Infiltrating living alleys in Chihou-Regenerating a new collective dwelling culture for a fishing settlement

台灣 / taiwan

楊詠臻 / Yung-Chen Yang


A global development scheme for Chihou defines different neighborhoods with specific characteristics of dwelling environments. The collective public space of the dwelling environment is a precious feature of the village and should be protected and strengthened. A new type of collective public space should be developed to allow the co-existence of local villagers and tourists. Hence, a bottom-up local dwelling culture-based proposal needs to be incorporated in the top-down government plan. Areas focus on wind, shadow, temple ritual ceremonies, local industry, etc. as specific local features. In this way the areas are linked into a linear belt with collective cultural memories and history that is thus preserved.



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