
Cracked blue suitcase

台灣 / taiwan

黃正揚 / Huang Zhengyang


人們總喜歡將美的事物藏進美術館的白盒子裡,但這個盒子,真的幫我們 [ 框 ] 出了最美的視角嗎 ? 2025年後,台灣的西部將聚集了全國99%的美術館空間,當美術館成為城市封閉的美學紀念碑,那麼能真正展覽台灣島嶼之美的美術館是否又將真的存在?

My design is a question about the contemporary experience of exhibition space.

People always like to hide beautiful things in the white box of the art museum, but does this box really help us [frame] the most beautiful perspective? After 2025, the western part of Taiwan will gather 99% of the art museum space in the country. When art museums become closed aesthetic monuments in the city, will art museums that can truly exhibit the beauty of the island of Taiwan really exist?

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