日本 / japan
石川航士郎 /
日文: 都電荒川線沿線での駅圏を超えた活動を維持・発展させるための拠点として、王子駅に旅客と生活のプラットホームを計画。都市基盤である高架駅に、生活基盤である飛鳥山に接続するプラットホームを挿入し境界を解く。
英文: As a hub for maintaining and developing activities beyond the station area along the Toden Arakawa Line, a passenger and lifestyle platform is planned at Oji Station. The elevated station, an urban infrastructure, is to be demarcated by inserting a platform connecting to Mt. Asukayama, an infrastructure for daily life. A welfare facility, a market, a recycling center, and a workshop will be established to create a new relationship along the station. Therefore, a belt-shaped living area that connects people’s daily life scenes will be formed, and new values in the periphery of the city center will be created.
中文: 作為在都電荒川線沿線維持和發展超越車站範圍活動的樞紐王子站,計劃建立旅客和生活的交匯平台。將都市的基礎設施──高架車站和日常生活的基礎設施──飛鳥山相連,通過插入相互交匯的平台來消除兩者之間的邊界。
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