“We all live within systems of sacrifice. What appears to be a prosperous and progressive society is often built upon the sacrifice of marginalized communities—their interests, even their lives. And such sacrifices are not concealed but glorified as noble offerings.”
— Tetsuya Takahashi, “The System of Sacrifice”
The Necessary Evil on the River
Sabo dams exist within a paradox: destined to be buried, to be sacrificed, yet entrusted with the critical task of preserving reservoir capacity. In 2007, Typhoon Wipha brought catastrophic rainfall to the Dahan River Basin in Taoyuan, obliterating the 55-meter-wide Baling Dam—a massive sabo dam that had reached the end of its life cycle.
Tantalus’ Dam: The Measure of Temptation
Between the ruins of the sacrificed 55-meter dam, a new, porous dam emerges—an organ-like structure that, like Tantalus, the son of Zeus, exists in a state of endless hesitation and temptation. It both captures sediment and fails to capture it at the same time.
Suspended above the dam are three distinct elevations, acting as lines of measurement: the human line, the river’s line, and the original dam’s line. These lines reveal and reconstruct the absurd landscape shaped by the constant tension between human intervention and natural forces.
The Museum’s Waterfall: A Landscape of Absurdity
When the riverbed elevation finally overtakes the original dam’s height, the desilting system is triggered, marking the beginning of a sacrificial performance. In the future, during heavy rains, we will no longer merely marvel at the spectacle of Shimen Reservoir’s flood discharge. Instead, within the confines of a museum, the temporary Baling Waterfall will become the ultimate exhibit—commemorating the dam while reenacting the absurd cycle of sacrifice that defines its very existence.
坦塔洛斯之壩:誘惑的量測線 |
懸在壩上的三個高程,扮演著三條量測自然的線, 「人為的線、河道的線、原有壩體的線」,分別重現與顯現自然與人為互相牽制下的荒謬地景。