
A Floating Offshore Barrier: Restoring the Ecosystem of Waisanding Sandbar

台灣 / taiwan

杜孟澤 / Du Mengze

因應外傘頂洲近年因攔砂堰與六輕石化工廠的建立導致沙源補充不 足,學者研判,如不設法保固,預計在 2028 年「移動的國土」可能將 成為「消失的國土」。外傘頂洲潟海造就的東石養蚵產業,就佔了全國 鮮蚵的一半產量,外傘頂洲作為海上屏障,確保東石不受風浪侵襲, 是我們須正視的議題。

In recent years, the establishment of sediment-trapping dams and the petrochemical complex at Mailiao has led to a shortage of sand replenishment for Waisanding Sandbar. Scholars predict that without intervention, this “moving national territory” may become a disappearing one by 2028. As a natural offshore barrier, Waisanding protects Dongshi’s oyster farming industry, which supplies half of Taiwan’s fresh oysters, from coastal erosion and storm surges. Addressing this crisis is critical for both ecology and local livelihoods.

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