Primitive Urban Hut The detoured life ,the unexpected experience.
台灣 / taiwan
蔡俊昌 / Chun-Chang Tsai
有沒有曾經想過,家裡往外延伸的曬衣架變身成二手市集。 原來公園也可以變成回家路徑的小庭園。 原來身上的衣服可以是在公園的陽光曬乾的。 21世紀的機械如何影響生活日常。我將它定義為是販賣機的介入生活。自動販賣:迷人的機械運作與一系列的流程展示,使每日單調的日常生活有不太一樣的生活的經驗意外。 從塔夫里(Tafuri)的討論為基礎做進一步的思考。令我們重新思考對於都市記憶與生活的片段細節,讓原本存在於生活中沒被注意的細節被重新想像與感知。透過建築的介入,引發對生活的重新想像。我在提案中嘗試喚起人們生活感知,生活於城市中但卻對於日常生活毫無體會,透過建築自動販賣機,讓日常生活與實驗小屋(Primitive Urban Hut)有了對話的機會,讓疏離的人發生意想不到的交集,如同暫時進入烏托邦的偶然相遇。 因此我想像了在都市中所需的生活機能,再置入日常生活的路徑中,形成經驗片段的交互剪輯,讓使用者選擇並且嘗試讓沒有交集的人有機會相遇在一起,並且產生對於生活的即興變奏。介入微小日常生活,嘗試安排對於空間序列的小騷動。藉由可被移動的建築販賣機,自由的穿梭於日常巷弄中,因為一系列不同使用方式的調整與彼此之間的方法,居民可以自由組構,並重新賦予對於社區小空間的新想像。以Huizinga對“玩”的想法開始,以微小物件催化都市中“些微繞道Detour”的發生。以玩介入日常生活路徑與空間,對此來產生即興與意外的空間想像與經驗。
The experiences of temporary separation. The regulations of disturbance and accident. Automatic Vendor Machine: This item talks about the experience of temporary separation; however, it also combines with some experiences of past forgettable parts to distinguish for its explanation. The difference of experienced parts will let some users choose to extend by their consciousness, and this process of extension will let life provide opportunities of improvisation and variation. To consist of specific daily routine and function, some elements of architecture restart to blend in with daily city life. For similar users, they gather and meet together. Those imagines combine with daily life or behavior, and narrate some certain parts. Then, convert to reconstruct those experiences. By Chance Elements, Tafuri discusses Nature how to involve with city. Due to the black dots on the paper, Alexander Cozens stimulate to create and come up with many ideas. Don’t have any feeling of daily experience and start from community. With my intervention, disturbance is very significant for stimulation and imagine of daily experience. Then, let the activities give rise to have extremely amazing. In addition to discussing the tiny disturbance of daily life, restart to arrange the order of space. We can discuss how to connect the possibility with daily life. We can control the vendor machines at ease in the city and through the community. With many different methods of use, we can control and adjust casually, and let the residents restart the new imagine of community experience. These are series about how to involve with daily experience of new imagine.
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