The Place of the Placeless
台灣 / taiwan
廖子寬 / LIAO, Tzu-Kuan
全球資訊網絡編織了一面虛擬之網,不受實質空間的限制,以前所未有的連結性與運算力構成了無形的虛擬場所。我們在這面網上留下了生活的足跡,無時無刻被儲存、移動、分享,在世界各地的網絡中竄流 ,卻不曾也無從真正認識到它。如同月球的一體兩面,我們相信看得見的正面,對於背面我們卻寧可相信傳說、謠言…
The Placeless is a territory defined by planetary computation and networks, territory which we conceive as Virtual, as opposed to it’s reference: the Actual. The Virtual weaves into a vast territory that remains intangible, out of reach, out of sight, out of mind. This project aims to pinpoint our location on the spectrum of data manipulation and explore the path towards the Virtual.
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