
Gods play and dance

日本 / japan

今泉繪里花 / IMAIZUMI,Erika

將經過多次海嘯破壞的基地回復到過去活潑的景致。創造一個劇場,並將代代相傳的舞蹈活動放在中心,使得空間成為居民的精神支柱。使用「流橋」(Low water crossing) 的概念,順應海嘯帶走軟性木構的建築,留下基底,以重建新的空間結構。因此海嘯的記憶刻印在基底上,一代一代的傳承下去。

Try to revive the lively sceneries of the site, which suffered tremendous damage in tsunami. To provide regional Kagura’s theater that connects local people physically, mentally, and spiritually. The structure is not against tsunami like Low Water Bridge. When tsunami occurs, the floor of bridge will be washed away, but the piers will be left. The memory of tsunami will be made nick in the piers and took over next generation.


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