Shaping the implicate order of a village: Designing a community using a principle drawn from unintentionally designed attractive spaces
日本 / japan
中野紗希 / NAKANO Saki
我生活在公共住宅。有一天,我對於周圍無機的城市環境是否是一個能满足生活樂趣的空間產生了疑惑。在芦原義信氏”街道的美學”中他將那些通過建立城市基礎設施從外部規劃的城市稱為 “外部秩序 “的城市,而那些由内部因素自然形成的城市被稱為 “内部秩序 “的城市。
I live in a public housing complex. I found myself wondering if the inorganic urban environment surrounding me was a space that would satisfy the pleasure of living. In his book, “The Aesthetic Townscape,” Yoshinobu Ashihara refers to cities that have been planned from the outside by creating urban infrastructure as “externally ordered” cities, while cities that have been created spontaneously from internal factors are called “internally ordered” cities. By observing from various perspectives the cityscapes of the world that have an implicate order, can we create intentional living spaces with a sense of scale that we find comfortable?
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