日本 / japan
塩原裕樹 / SHIOHARA,Yuki
聚落地形是陡峭的坡地,海嘯後的痕跡於地貌上形成一條清楚的線,這條線亦成為本地區的負文化遺產,希望藉由設計呈現它並保存它 。在被破壞的線上置入新的基礎與建築空間,讓移居高地的居民從高處眺望空虛的風景時,能再次看見人們生活在。
The site has the appearance of the attainment point of tsunami distinctly, since it was the colony formed in the steep ground. This proposal interpret the line which appeared clearly there as the heritage of this ground, then aim to embody and preserve. Moreover, to attach architecture around this line so that it imports signs of life into empty scenery at which the left-behind residents continue looking.
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