Love spinning round - Intertextuality of desire in the metropolis
台灣 / taiwan
盧皓璿 / LU, Hao-Syuan
在真實與虛擬內爆的當代,以羅蘭巴特(Roland Barthes)著作-戀人絮語為文本,與首都臺北的都市發展以慾望互文的概念, 討論首都中政治\資本\都市市民的三種不同的慾望,來為已經被拆除的京華城,書寫一個它還沒被拆掉之前的設計策略並回應當代慾望, 企圖以都市戀人作為主角,揭露戀人們心理狀態的不明確與多樣性,類比大都會中慾望的多元性,建構一個包含愛情公園\轉運站\停車場的複合空間來詮釋當代慾望。 In the reality and virtual implosion of the contemporary,take Roland Barthes's literary (A Lover's Discourse: Fragments) as the text, with the concept of desire and intertextuality , the urban development of Taipei discusses three different desires of the capital's political, capital and urban citizens ,to write a design strategy for the city Taipei living mall that has been demolished and respond to contemporary desires, trying to take urban lovers as the main characters
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