Re-thinking Poche
香港 / hong kong
程驍 / CHENG, Xiao
建築塗黑(Poche)(e是法文,上面要加一橫)在建築圖示中用於表現建築的空間構成。以建築塗黑的二分性構成作為設計手法,將建築塗黑的空間構成運用於垂直方向上。通過將Peter Zumthor的作品Therme Vals中的平面塗黑空間構成邏輯,轉化為剖面空間構成,希望生成新的“實體空間”與“虛體空間”之間的關係以及新的建築形式。
Treating the dichotomy of poche configuration as design approach, I try to explore it in vertical direction. By translating the poche configuration of Therme Vals (designed by Peter Zumthor) from plan to section, I’m trying to develop new relationship between “Solid Space” and “Void Space”, which results in new architectural form.
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