KUSU "Green"
新加坡 / singapore
陳杰陽 / TAN, Jack Young
KUSU “Green” 是一個熱帶島嶼,是由死亡旅遊業者組成的火葬場,內容包含骨灰安葬的場所,輔助自殺的空間和驗屍儀式。本設計使用中國風水的概念來構成島,並強烈關注於營塑“尊嚴”死亡的空間。以熱帶島嶼為基地,淡化死亡的情緒,並確保敬祖儀式的永續性,祭祖成為一個莊嚴的儀式,而不只是一個家族活動。
KUSU “Green” is a tropical island for death tourism consisting of a crematorium, columbarium, spaces for burial, spaces for assisted suicide and post mortem rites. The project uses Chinese geomancy as a method to sculpt the island and focus strongly on the aspects of a “dignified” death. Such dignity is shown mainly on how the spaces are designed to give special privacy to the family for the departed, as well as through specificity of the Chinese rituals required for the family to perform to show filial piety. In addition, the theme of a tropical island, dilutes the morbid mood of death and ensures continuity of ancestral worship and rituals, as ancestral worship becomes more of a family event instead of a solemn ritual.
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