City Words Manufacturing : the Post Market Design
台灣 / taiwan
羅國碩 / Kuo-Shuo Lo
城市 是一篇文章,透過語言學的方式去閱讀城市,城市的變動性如何用語言的邏輯來重新詮釋 ?
City is an Article loaded with history, memory and desire, and city reading makes us read differently through different perspectives. What if the city is regarded as an article, how can the variability of the city be interpreted and rewritten with the logic and words of language ?
Steven Holl used the English alphabet to study the building form and the city. And, I’d like to observe this text-filled city – Taipei City in Chinese. Chinese is fascinating because of “Multiple interpreted reading and overwriting”. By reconstructing the gaps between texts, the differences in reading created multiple understanding. With studying a way to read and manipulate the blanks in the city, could the variability of the city be brought into architecture ? Could the building be overwritten as a part of the city article ?
The site is the Taipei’s earliest developed street – Taipei First Street (Guiyang Street). In the context of history, the fascinating factors are hidden in the block around the Zhixing market facing erasure and rewriting.
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