Factory of Fermentation
台灣 / taiwan
林靜雯 / Jing-Wei Lin
「這個世代在工業文明下開始發展,首先發明了機器,接著採取機器式的生活模式。我們都被速度奴役。」Carlo Petrini。
釀造/發酵,表面看似人的勞動,其實是微生物分解、合成物質的過程。以醬油釀造為例,4 種原料: 水、鹽、黑豆,和等待熟成的一整年。藉由釀製的工作串聯基地資源,成為遊客參與自然的途徑,也體現慢與自然的價值。
“Our generation thrives after the industrial evolution. At first, people invented all kinds
of machine, then we adopt a lifestyle dominated by machines. Therefore, we all are being
controlled.” said Carlo Petrini, the founder of International Slow Food Movement. There are
so many things being speed up or replace gradually. However, there is no explicit definition
for speed.
Brew and fermentation, seems that this process is artificial, but in fact, it is a process of
material degradation and synthesis by microorganisms under certain environmental
conditions. Making a soy sauce requires three simply ingredients: water, salt, and black beans.
In addition, the naturally fermentation of the process needs one year of waiting. Look forward
to constructing a low-intensity soy sauce plant to connect resources from villages. Besides,
wishing people to embrace the mother nature, and re-think the relationship between
people/people and people/nature.
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