
How to open a door ?

台灣 / taiwan

施懿真 / Yi-Chen Shih

門是一個具有強烈特徵的物件,你不會記得在一天之內走過幾道門,只有當它被觀者注視時,門之後的事才使你感到好奇,你會走近它並思考要如何開啟它。門是建築元素,在兩個不同的空間之間讓人們因為一個不經意的動作而改變氣氛。門是空間,有別於平常我們碰觸到門板之前,對於所踏上的玄關、走下的地下道、站立的走廊、或頭上的天井,做出新的開啟門的方式並決定我們的身體行為。找不到書的圖書館只是一本書, 而你開始書寫自己的故事。


Door is an object with a strong feature which we walk through daily without paying much attention. Only when the door catches our eye, at the moment, even though the door may just be laying slightly against the wall, the unknown arouses your curiosity and you wonder what is behind the door. 

The door as an architecture element, it influences the atmosphere between two spaces by human behavior. Not just a connection, but a medium, you have been looking and searching for a book in the process, you travel through a series of doors. 

Finally, finding the book on your mind for yourself is not important, finding the door to get into the rectangular stack room is not important. It is important that you find a book in this series of accidents and due to open all kinds of door spaces to meet someone. This is a door library.

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