
Knit Constructing / Soft material on space application

台灣 / taiwan

曾靖婷 / Ching-Ting Tseng

編織不只能運用在織品服飾中,也能使用在空間操作上, 增加空間的豐富性。 由於勾針的基本針法比較多,所以選擇了九種針法來研 究不同織法影響織體的強度,不同織體形成的強度也不 同,透過這些不同的形式重新建構,做了三組實驗,分 別是 : 1.受力後的變化  2.亂織-尋找單元在空間中的定位 3. 實作空間模擬-用來檢討變形程度,以便日後做調整 利用編織的特性形成的空間,弱化了邊界的強度,相對 提升感官的敏銳,增加互動性,拉近了人與人之間的距 離。


Woven is not only used in clothing or fabrics, but also can be used in space operations, increased space richness.

Since more basic crochet needle, so I chose to study nine different needle weave texture of the impact strength, the strength of the formation of different texture are different, through these different forms reconstruct, do three sets of experiments They are: 1.The variety when the force intervence 2. Organization – Looking positioning unit in space 3. the implementation space simulation – to review the degree of deformation in order to make adjustments to the future

use of space woven characteristic form, weakening the strength of the border, opposite to enhance sensory acuity, increased interactivity, to narrow the distance between people.

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