
The Fading Boundaries

台灣 / taiwan

曾伃聰 林祐瑄 / TSENG Yu-Tsung LIN Yu-Hsuan



一座廢棄的廟頂長眠於阡陌間,昔日香火鼎盛的場景已不再,時常氾濫的北港溪,迫使追求安定生活的先民離去、築堤、另立了一廟。舊廟頂被隔絕於化外之地,隨時間不斷風化,持續沉沒於田野之間,成為地景與在地記憶的一部分。 待舊廟完全沉沒之際,一座浮沉於溪流之上的橋、一道大雨撬開邊界的堤、一座映射於渠水的新廟,將使歷史以無形的方式被記載,不變的基準線對比變動的自然消長,刻畫出新的地景,記憶得以延續,信仰得以傳承⋯⋯。

A forsaken temple roof slumbers serenely amidst the fields. Where once a bustling scene of fervent prayers has faded into the past, not even an echo remains. The frequent flooding of the Beigang River compelled ancestors seeking stability to depart, build embankments, and establish a new temple. The old temple roof stands isolated, slowly weathering with time, sinking deeper into the embrace of the fields, merging with the landscape and local memories.
As the roof fades into obscurity, a floating bridge sways with the flow, an embankment penetrated by rainwater, and a new temple reflected in the canal’s waters silently records history in intangible ways. Amidst the unchanging benchmarks and the fluctuating cycles of nature, a new landscape emerges, etching out fresh contours. Memories endure, faith is passed down, and a new chapter gradually unfolds….

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