[ re ] Origination
香港 / hong kong
羅意祈 / Yi Ki - Law , Janis
這個設計的理念是為現有的舊建築重新設計一個新形象之餘也要保留原有的色彩;為香港有增無減的保育活化計劃提供一個另類的設計方案,重新給予「新」和「舊」一個新定義。比起現在常見的舊建築全面翻新, 寄生般的介入設計又或是單純的修復保育工作, 這個方案會先尋找長洲戲院最初的根源,再為它設計一個新的原點,以致能夠讓它有一個有潛力的將來。舊建築會建立嶄新的形象,而舊有的意境將會重現於新設計當中。這些對比與比例的並例、空間感和時空交錯挪動了長洲舊址的根源,激發了保育跟未來發展交織的潛力。
This thesis attempts to invigorate and re-originate the context while conserving existing qualities and elements on site. With the ever-increasing demand for conservation and revitalization works in Hong Kong, this thesis develops an alternative approach to re-integrate the old and the new. Rather than advocating complete redevelopments, parasitic interventions or mere restorations, the thesis proposes for re-origination – the site will be given a new origin that projects itself into the future. New identities are established for spaces that exist,while current contexts are revealed in the new designs. Such contrasts and juxtapositions of scales, spatial qualities and temporal formation dislocate the origin, creating the potential for both conservation and future history.
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