A Maniac Who Gets Lost in Time
台灣 / taiwan
陳彥綸 / Yen-Lun Chen
在建造之初,城市的過去與現 在不斷被重複的思索辯證,紀 錄者用影像記錄過程中城市的 樣貌,而城市的樣貌不是在最 後而是持續存在且變化的。重 新書寫與建造這個關於”我”理 想的意識,而這座理想是自我 的 映 照 。 在”被”建 造 的 過 程 中,消融源自慾望的驅使反應 真實的渴望,然後經過死亡期 待新慾望的破曉。這座以不同 距離觀看獲得體悟啟發的城市 將創造出更多的"複本",直到 我抵達城市的彼端成為真實卻 不一樣的原我,伴隨城市的真 實樣貌將會一一實現。
Before the city was constructed, it had undergone various stages of contemplation and val idation. T hrough this process, the outlook of the city can be recorded in order to catch its ever-changing nature. Also, my own ideology can be reflected through the lens of myself and the desires emerging from truth and death. T his wor k wi l l have more repl ications based on my obser vations of the city, and the ideal outlook that goes with the city wi l l eventual ly appear after I reach both ends of i t. A Maniac Who Gets Lost in Time
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