Daylight, Soup, Dish, Sleep Cinema
台灣 / taiwan
張君瑜 / Jyun-Yu Jhang
當疲憊的人走進廢棄的電影 院裡睡眠,意識狀態黏著到 物件上,轉而成為實際運作 的驅動力。深夜銀幕光線與 早晨日光的內外切換,建構 出一個充滿汙垢卻迷幻的睡 眠場域,以電影<全面啟動 >為文本,探討現今睡眠延 遲者需要被"植入"正確的 睡 眠 結 構 , 背 後 另 一 層 隱 喻,則是將舊城市視為疲憊 的人體,在睡了一場好覺之 後 , 終 會 有 恢 復 精 神 的 時 日。
Inspired by the reconstruction of dream, reality and space in the blockbuster, Inception, the design attempts to channel an artistic and recreational mise-en-scène into the living space to lighten up the individual’s life after daily routines. The reconditioned cinema serves as the buffer zone between daytime activity and off-hour state. Moreover, the cinematic sound and light zones out works and its patterns, directing the individual to switch the conscious mode from work to relax. The cinematic living space aims to soothe the pressure and exhaustion, and improve the psychological functioning of the individual to rest. Ultimately, it is an embedded code for the sleep-disordered. Metaphorically, the old area in the city as the individual therein needs a refreshing touch to redeem the stamina and take on changes and challenges
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