Reforging Fragments: Ship Dismantling & Reas-sembly
香港 / hong kong
李文怡 / Man-Yee Lee
本設計探討折解大型退役船舶、然後重組魔鋼成為建築架構的方法、並庶用比概念設計位於中園大連港口的新遊輸礁頭建築。魔鋼講回収再用十分普遍、但常規魔鋼塔化技術耗能甚大。本設計以蓄船為原材料研究魔鋼再用的新興技術・以避免培鋼渉及的排放量、同時保留並強掘船隻特有的雄偉傍磯的空間特色*設計方法包括丙個切割/爆接系統、分別取決於起重機的載重量和最終建築的聞、照明奥循環系統。Jhis thesisdevélopsa method for dismantling and trans- porting large decommissioned ships and remodeling them into architecture。It applies this process to developing a cruise terminal in the port of Dalian、China、one of the con- tainer ports the government plans to transform to encom- pass cruise homeport functions.The thesis suggests an un- conventional method of reusing steel: ‘recycling without melting’。This preserves the spatial character and motifs of the shipping vessel while avoiding the emissions involved in melting steel。The design methodology involves two cut- ting / grouping systems:firstly the vessel is dismantled into blocks of manageable weight that can be handled by the tonnage capacity of lifting and transporting machinery; and secondly these blocks are welded into larger building sec- tions、with openings and connections determined by the lighting、spatial quality and circulation needs of the final structure。
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