Inside Space of Castle City
台灣 / taiwan
張昊 / CHOU, Hou
以學園都市的設計概念,在每個大學城中提供被包覆的中庭空間。提供一個友好的環境,以連接基地中心與周邊環境。在晉中市新的CBD (Central Business District中央商業區)軸線上配置晉中學院,做為城市的象徵,並基地內山谷、河川與丘陵地上配置其他9所大學。。大學城由教育、研究、住宅等等9種機能所組成,以圓型範圍代表各種機能可構成多樣模式。
The master plan suggests a friendly environment, which connects not only the inside, but also the surrounding areas. To adjust the center position of each university, creating a better relationship between the blocks then proposed a science city with courtyard spaces. Jinzhong science city consists of 9 programs including education, research, dormitories and so on. These programs are combined as circular buffer zone, which can also be seen in the various patterns that are created on the site. The center area of each university is left circular, whereas the surrounding circular patterns are modified into diverse shapes. It also becomes possible to insert other programs in the leftover open spaces.
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