
On The Road: No-Where But Anywhere

台灣 / taiwan

陳怡蓁 / CHEN, Yi-Chen


當「地方」致力於強調個別的差異性,「在路上」卻是一種曖昧、不確定的但是在更大的世界網絡之中,經常 「獨自一人卻與他人相似」的狀況。 

基地在豐原、大甲的中間,大甲溪與國道四號夾擠的邊陲,缺乏定義的交通空地,四邊均為快速交通的基礎 設施(高鐵、國道、大橋、河堤)。「在路上」的設計,創造了兩種意義相關但速度不同的停留:休息站與旅館, 以整體配置和空間立體安排,建構一種當代快速移動所詮釋 「『非地⽅』的地⽅感」。

Studying the contradictory yet mutually supportive relation between “Place” (fixity) and “Mobility” (flow, fluidity), this project explores the capability of transportation infrastructures that have a different spatial thought to build a space idea from the orientation and direction of transportation on site, neither based local culture or grounded. 

The building is conceived as a mix-use connective entertainment space and public space by extending the ramp that leads into the parking spaces, drive-thrus, food courts, observation towers, restaurants, a drivers’ lounge and a hotel to create a continuous experience about “stops”.

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