The_Way -a balance way between the supply line of fishing
台灣 / taiwan
蔡承桓 / TSAI, Cheng-Huan
此設計主要著手於宜蘭南方澳漁港內天然腹地不足的考驗下,如何在漁船產業補給(漁網整補區,漁具倉庫,製冰廠等)與觀光產業推動之間取得動線與空間配置的平衡與合理。提案提供,能夠在不額外填海造地下將剩餘空間做更有效益的利用,且同時改善 1.漁民-整網-整補區 2.觀光客-鯖魚節-停車空間 3.當地住民-生活品質-綠地 三者之關係。
Due to the lack of hinterland in Nanfang-ao Fishing Harbor, this design was born. This design attempt to strike a balance between route and space arrangement, especially in fishery supplement (including fishing net repairing, fishing equipment warehouse, ice making factory) and tourist industry. Hope to make efficient use of the rest region without additional land reclamation, as well as promote the relation among the following three: (1) fishermen-net cleaning-net restoring area (2) tourists-festival of mackerel-parking lot (3) locals-living quality-green belt.
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