The Flood Gate Community of Taipei
新加坡 / singapore
梁子穎 / LIANG, Tsu Ying Albert
此項為群居與淡水河岸的違建住戶所設計的住宅社區,將會為台北市與淡水河之間創造一更好的連接,使兩岸往來更為順暢.並藉此營造親水的環境,使得人群活動與宗教慶典能重現於淡水河岸。最後,提供防洪的功能, 作為保護全台北市免於每年颱風季節水患之威脅.
This new community for the informal settlers creates a more accessible connection between the city and the River, Bringing Prople closer to the DAN SHUI River, allowing river activities and TEMPLE RITUALs that took place along the RIVER to be possible. It is also functions as a flood barrier that can protect the city from threats of eminent flood that is cause by typhoon that Strike Taiwan Yearly between July to September.
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